Attention: Paul, the Chief Honeycrisp Cruncher. Dear Paul, My Honeycrisp apples arrived today, all 98 of them in their tightly shipped box, lovingly carried by my UPS delivery guy. (Thank you again for the two
Macoun apples you substituted.) I haven't dove headfirst into a box since I was about 7 years old and my cousin put me into a refrigerator box upside down. But today, I did it voluntarily. The aroma wafted from the box as I carefully lifted my fruit to the sink. Husband came running, dogs gave up the squirrel chase when they heard my gleeful cries. We had just finished lunch, but what the heck, this is THE apple I had been waiting for. I carefully rinse my beauties, set them on the good china with a fruit knife and a cloth napkin and set them on the table. How we enjoyed the slicing and peeling and eating. We had one of the Honeycrisp and one of the Macoun. The Macoun started those salivary glands-a-squirting. It was a beautiful experience. So here we are at the end of the night. The apples have been set in the coolness of the garage for the evening. Tonight, no formalities. Just we two, four apples, watching TV and typing on the 'puter. No frills, paper napkins and juice running down our chins. Two different events, two similar outcomes, two satisfied customers. The empty box will be wrapped and set under the tree and if the family is good, really, really good, they may get an apple in their stocking instead of an orange. No we don't have anything against oranges, but figured Florida needed all they could salvage. This is the year of the APPLE! Anyway, thank you for your website, your prompt delivery and your preparation and packaging of your fine fruits. We shall enjoy them with gusto, or cheese, or even squirrel if the dogs can catch one. (Only joking...they're lazy dogs and we have fast, skinny squirrels). Thank you again and have a happy holiday season. Fruitfully Yours, Lisa and Jim Swarthout P.S. Please keep us in mind for any fruit or product testing you may need. We come with our own peelers, jar openers and melon ballers (Martha Stewart says for the pear cores...FREE MARTHA...Hahaha).