Sunday, September 24, 2023

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween from!  Try this Apple Teeth Recipe for a healthy treat!

Go to to find the freshest NY Apples shipped directly from our farm to your door! 

Halloween Apple Teeth Recipe

Use any combination of ingredients - Be creative!
-Apple slices
-Lemon juice
-Peanut butter, Jelly, Nutella

-Peeled almonds, Mini marshmallows, Jelly beans, Candy corn, Yogurt covered raisins

1. Soak the apple slices in lemon juice & water for 10-15 min. to prevent browning
2. Spread peanut butter, jelly, or Nutella on the tops of each apple slice
3. Stick the "teeth" into the spread on half of the apple slices- crooked looks scarier!
4. Top the slices with "teeth" with the remaining slices. 
